We are open and ready to provide high-quality care for our clients as always. However, we are making a number of changes to keep you and your loved ones safe. Keep reading for more information.

We ask that if you answer yes to any of the following, you reschedule your appointment to come into the office:

  • Have you traveled to, or are in in close contact with anyone who has traveled to, a covid-19 “hot spot” in the last 14 days? (For more information on what locations are considered “hot spots”, visit https://www.health.pa.gov/topics/disease/coronavirus/Pages/Travelers.aspx)
  • Have you been exposed to someone who has either tested positive for COVID-19, or who is suspected of having COVID-19?
  • Are you experiencing fever, cough, or shortness of breath?

If you need to reschedule an appointment, please call 724-830-9918. We ask that all visitors to the office wear a face covering.

All of our employees are asked to report all possible exposures to the office and take their temperatures daily. If they have been exposed to someone who has, or is suspected of having, COVID-19, have traveled to a COVID-19 “hot spot”, or exhibit any symptoms of COVID-19, they are asked to stay home, quarantine, and get tested for COVID-19. Our employees must wear a mask while in clients’ homes.

The health and safety of our clients is our #1 priority. If you have any questions about any of our COVID-19 related policies, please call the office at 724-830-9918. We’d be happy to answer any questions.